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A lot of licking.


We have a year old Calico from the Tony LaRussa Animal
Rescue Foundation. She is a great cat and we love her dearly. We were told that she had kittens but probably  separated soon after birth. She licks our hands most of the time that we are close to her. Any thoughts on why she licks soooo much?

Hi Dan,

Congratulations on your new addition. I usually see this behavior in rescue cats. There could a few reasons for this behavior. One is that she was weaned too early when she was a kitten. She is just acting out her "baby" behavior with you. Another reason is that she is looking at you as an extension to her family and is cleaning you like she would her kittens.
She could be showing a "pride" attitude towards you and grooming you as she would other cats. Or she just likes the taste of you.
Whatever the reasons, unless it really bothers you, there is no need to be concerned about it. Just look on it as extra loving from your new girl. I have two rescue cats who do the same. Good luck with her. If it bothers you, write back to me and I will give you advice on how to break her of that habit.

Ciao, Karen