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Family doesnt like Kristen anymore


Hi Jessica,
I have quite a delimma.  I got Kristin when she was only a 3 week old kitten now shes about 6 months or 8 months old and is jumping around on all the countertops and etc.  My parents are getting fed up with it and is telling me to give her away.  Problem is, none of my friends are looking for a cat and also, I doubt craigslist will want a semi-big black cat.  Everyone on craigslist are wanting small free kittens.  If I give her away to an adoption place, I'm not even sure what will happen if no one takes her home, are they going to put her to sleep?  I need some advice.  Anything will be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Matt,

There are some no-kill shelters in some areas.  Most of them have waiting lists, though, as they can only take in so many animals at a time.  You should call around to shelters in your area and ask if they are a no-kill shelter.  Because yes, in the average shelter, a cat will be put to sleep if she is not adopted within a certain amount of time.  Some cats are even put to sleep before they're put up for adoption if they're considered not likely to be adopted (say if they are shy, or if they are a black cat, and there is already a black cat up for adoption).

I would recommend that you try to train Kristin to stay off the counters.  Do this by keeping items of interest such as food off of the counters at all times.  Don't store her cat food on the counter or in cabinets above the counter, but in a separate area such as a closet or below the sink, so that she's not on the counter searching for the stash of cat food.  Also, provide her with a cat tree and some window perches.  Cats like to be at least 4 feet off the ground, and this is a reason why they counter surf.  If you get her some tall cat furniture that she's allowed to climb on, she'll have less of a need to climb on the counters.  You can also use training tools such as the SSSCAT cat repellent system for when the counters are unattended and you're unable to physically make sure she stays off the counters.  These are motion-activated aerosol cans of air that let out a hiss and puff of air when the cat moves by.  If you place it on the counter and the cat jumps on it, it will startle her, and she'll run away.  After a few attempts, she should start to have negative feelings about jumping on the counter in the future.  The only downside is that any motions you make near it will also trigger it.  There are also ultrasonic barriers that work the same way, but you will not be able to hear it, and the cat wears a collar that triggers it.  See for an example.

Best of luck!
