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8mth old male cat problems


i have an 8 mth old male cat, not fixed. we have to keep the bedroom doors closed due to he will pee on the beds and bath rugs in the bathrooms. i was wanting to know what can be done about it. i really don't want to get rid of him,but will if it is not a fixable problem.please help me ASAP! love this cat. thank you very much

Hi Brad-

Please get kitty fixed as soon as you can- this is the cause of your problem. He is marking his territory, and will continue to do so as long as he is entire.

Make sure you wash everything that he has sprayed on with a urine removal product- normal wash powder won't do it because he will still smell his urine and continue to pee in areas where he has gone before.

I'm sure you wouldn't, but please don't punish kitty for his behaviour. It is a normal reaction to want to show kitty he has done something 'wrong', but kitty won't understand if you punish him- it is just a natural thing for him, punishment may end with him getting mad at you. If kitty goes in the wrong place, it is best to just try and get it cleaned up, remove the scent and have kitty fixed so he doesn't do it again.

Good luck, it is a fixable problem for your little guy :) Have a great holiday season :)