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my cat (9 months) had kittens


   My cat had kittens 2 days ago and one is smaller than the rest. Their is 3 kittens and I haven't seen one nurse. I put her on the mamma nipple but she does not start to suck. She does not seem sick but I am worried she is not getting enough milk. I bought kms and a feeder but I didn't give it to her. 1) I am scared the mamma will get confused and not want to nurse her anymore 2) I don't want to do this wrong and something happen. Please let me know what to do. Thankyou very much, Kim

Hi Kim, well if the kitten isn't nursing you are going to lose her anyways so I would suggest you start trying to  bottle feed her. You will not confuse the mom cat at all. I suspect you will not even be able to get this kitten to nurse with a bottle if it won't nurse off mom. Try warming her up first off and see if that helps with her energy level. Also give her a little corn syrup or honey on her lips to eat first.  Then can you weigh all three kittens and let me know their weights. It will help determine if this kitten is in genuine trouble or just a little slow.. But at this point it doesn't sound good. Teresa