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About Heartgard for cats


I bought the wrong Heartgard for cats, what I bought was the one for cats 5-15lbs
my cat only weights 3lbs
Cant I just give my cat a small piece of the tablet or chewy to accommodate her smaller weight?
Like say I could brake off a 3rd or maybe just give her 1/2
Would this be safe?

Hi CJ,
I think it would probably be ok, but I would call a Vet to see exactly how much to break off.  I don't want to guess. You want to give enough to prevent heartworms, but not enough to harm your cat.  If you don't give enough, your cat could be susceptible to the heartworms.  Ivermectin is the main ingredient in Heartgard, and cats are much more sensitive than dogs.  Just to be safe.... please get the advice of a Veterinarian.

God Bless,