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separating lifelong pals


My best friend and I got 2 kittens together from a rescue league 2 1/2 years ago.  They are not related but are only about 2 weeks apart in age, and have been together since they were about 3 months old. They are basically like brothers, grooming, sleeping and playing together all the time. My best friend is now moving in with her boyfriend and taking her cat with her.  I have read a lot of things about cat separation anxiety, but have never experienced something like this with a cat before.  I am afraid that my cat will be sad without his cat-friend. How traumatizing do you think this will this be? And is there anything I can do to ease the process?

Maureen, lots of love and extra hugs will benefit both of you during this time. Losing a dear friend is tough for anyone. Watch your kitty closely for signs of behavioral change. If he starts exhibiting signs of severe anxiety (not eating, continuos crying, litterbox avoidance) deal with them first by seeing your vet to rule out medical issues. In time you may want to consider looking at a rescue league or animal shelter for a companion for your buddy, don't do it too soon or you will cause more problems. Keep in touch, I will try to help you and your cat companion through this tough time. If I can be of further help, please do not hesitate to contact.