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white persian with blue eyes


Hello Norman
Again I,ve a question for you!is it right that white persians with blue eyes or odd eyes are barren or blind or deaf?some breeders told me that it's just a rumour whereas some other told me it's right.
I've alwayes loved to have a white persian with blue eyes but i have been hesitating because i do not want to have a barren cat.
Thank you a lot
Soheil from Iran


I have not heard blindness or barrenness attributed to blue eyed white cats, before.  That part is definitely not true.

What is true is that some blue eyed white cats (including Persians) and odd eyed (one blue and one copper eye) white cats (including Persians) are deaf.  Fortunately, many people have been breeding the deafness out of these cats so that the incidence of deafness has been reduced in blue eyed and odd eyed white Persians.

I hope this i what you were after.

Best regards... Norm.