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cat acting aggresive


our cat is about 8 months now and is suddenly attacking everything that comes near her. Then she is normal for a few min. The hissing is something she never did before and we worry because of my great niece and nephew are going to be staying with us. My niece is visiting with her 4 young kids right now do you think that why our cat has gone nuts or is it perhaps she is starting her first heat.

thanks Matt

Hi Matt,

It could be that she is going into heat. She could also be pregnant or is just upset about something. I would take her to the vet. Whenever you get a change in tempament it's always a good idea to have them checked out. You never know what could be wrong. And just instruct the kids to leave the cat alone or they will get hurt. It's up to you to protect your cat. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen