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Kitten weaned too early


I just got a kitten - now 2 months - which was rescued by my friend. His momma was run over by a car when the kitten was 1 month, so he was weaned very early.  He was bottle fed for a bit and is now at 2 months been on solid dry and wet food for a week or more.
1-He is starting some of the early weaning habits: extra pawing, finding soft (human) flesh to nibble/suck.  Is there anything I can do to help alleviate this? Should I keep a bottle around for when he needs it?  I want to try to curb any long term stress/bad habits now, if I can.
2-Momma cat wasn't around enough to teach him any manners. He is using a litter box well and has already been around other cats, but he doesn't 'understand' the neck scruff and thinks it's a game and begins rough biting and scratch play.  Any advice there?  

Also to note, he will also be socialized with my 5 year old male cat - very slowly. They are currently separated (3 days now) and we're planning on starting intros over the weekend.

Thank you,

Hi Becky,

Young kittens when weaned early will knead and suck. They sometimes grow out of it. Some people feel that if you try to break him of it they will have problems later. If it doesn't bother you just let him do it. If it does bother you try switching him over to a stuffed animal as a surrogate. There is also a product out there called Catsifier. It is a kitty pacifier. You can try that. I have a cat that I raised since he was 4 hours old. He is 5 now and everyday he comes to nuzzle and knead me. I love it. It is our special time.
About the neck scruff thing, I am not too sure what you want to know. Are you asking about when you pick him up by the scruff of the neck? Lots of cats don't like that. When you pick him up like that try to support his bottom in your other hand. This might help control him. You put a lot of pressure and weight on the neck and it sounds like it is hurting him. Good luck with your little one. I'm sure all will turn out fine.

Ciao, Karen