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new born kittens and male cat


Hi, my queen Belle, just had kittens with my male cat Thomas , Thomas is a Siamese and bell is tabby cat, is it dangerous for thomas to be near the kittens? He hasn't done anything to them yet...they were born yesterday morning, but i am worried.

Thanks a lot!

Hi Heidi.  Of course, you should keep a close eye on them at first.  However, tomcats have the uncanny ability to indentify their own offspring in many cases, and they will not harm them.  Siamese fathers are usually very actively involved with raising their litters if allowed.  They climb into bed with the babies and keep the kittens warm and groom them just as the mother does.  As a matter of fact, my Siamese males even help raise OTHER males' offspring.  I would keep Thomas away from them while you're not there to supervise, because you just never know.  But while you're home, I have no problem allowing them to be together as long as Thomas is showing no signs of fear or aggression.  

IF Thomas goes outside, though, then I would keep him separated from the kittens until they have their shots.  There are too many diseases he could bring inside and infect them with.