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cat eye problem


Hi Jessica

I am worried about my 6 month old male tabby kitten. He has what looks like cloudy grey linings on the corner of each eye, is this normal? I'm not sure whether it is hindering his sight and he is physically ok but is a little distant and quiet for an otherwise quite demanding, lively, loving cat. Many thanks, Hannah.

Hi Hannah,

I suspect that what you're referring to are his nictitating membranes.  They're also sometimes called "third eyelids" or a "haws".  These are grayish-white membranes that start at the inner corner of each eye and sweep vertically across the eye when your kitty's eyes are closed to provide additional protection against dust and hair.  They provide the eyes with extra lubrication when the cat blinks, as well.

The nictitating membrane is not generally very noticeable when a cat is alert and completely healthy.  When the cat is awake but the haw is visible, it usually means that he is under stress or is getting sick.  It can indicate any type of infection or disease in the entire body and at times could even suggest emotional stress.  Often, eye infections will cause these membranes to protrude, and they will become red and inflamed.

With the combination of his exposed haws and his recent change in demeanor, it would be a good idea to get him to a vet.  Lots of kittens get sick in the wintertime, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has come down with something.  A physical exam should help your vet narrow down what he's suffering from, if anything.

Best of luck!
