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Best toys for a hunter cat


Hi Karen,

We have two strictly indoor cats, both neutered males, age 2 1/2.  One is a very intelligent, self-reliant cat who loves to play with toys and often brings his toy balls to us to play "fetch," and is able to keep himself entertained.  Our other cat seems much lazier, as he has absolutely no interest in toys and will only play with things that are in constant motion--like a laser pointer or a toy you're throwing to him over and over.  When you're not actively engaging him, he does not play.  

However, he does have a sincere interest in the outdoors and loves to look out open windows and gets very focused on birds, chipmunks, etc. that he sees outside.  I think his playful nature is more of a "hunter" and he needs the active focus of something like an animal to keep him interested.  I've had videos of birds playing on YouTube today while I work and he's been very engaged by these (although he obviously can't do much other than watch them).

I'm wondering what the best method of playing with this "hunter" cat is, or if there are any toys on the market that would suit him better than standard mice and balls?  Unfortunately, we can't interact with him 24/7, and I'd like him to be more active.  He will occasionally get very involved with a trackball toy (ball that rolls in a circle) but only once a week or so.  

Also, strangely, he doesn't enjoy playing with our other cat, who often initiates tag / play-fights, etc.  You'd think that with his interest in birds and other creatures, he'd like playing with his "brother"...but he almost always gets annoyed, hisses, and runs away.  They will occasionally play together, but only for short intervals, and usually very roughly (hair flying everywhere, someone getting very upset and running off to hide).  

Hoping you have some advice for our bird-loving, indoor kitty.

Thank you,


Here's a few links of some very good toys for your cat.

Other things that work great are paper bags, boxes, mylar balls and catnip stuff. I also have made a great toy that I use for a game of what I like to call "kitty fishing". I take one of the furry mice snd tie it to a fishing pole. I then cast it about and the cats go nuts trying to get it. Hope this helped. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen