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yowling non stop at night


I have a 4 or so month old cat/kitten, he meows or yowls when the doors are closed especially when I am behind the door. Do you know what I can do to stop him?? I have tried spraying water on him, and slapping him even and he always comes back for more. He has done this ever since I got him a month or so ago..


Every time I answer this question, I get an angry retort from, the asker.  Be that as it may, the answer does not change.  So, please do not get angry with me as I am the messenger.

Truthfully, there is nothing you can do to stop or discourage this behavior.  Your cat wants to be with you and is letting your know.  Cats are nothing if not persistent.  I would let him in and be with you.  Another option is to get ear plugs (the kind they use on trans-oceanic flights).

Cats do not respond well to negative reinforcement.  Spraying water, slapping and the like are ineffectual for discipline.  People have used a positive reinforcement technique called clicker training which I do not think will work in this case.

Best regards... Norm.