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Cat Jaw clicking


Hello there, my cat woke up a little bit ago and his jaw kept clicking with a little bit of drool around his mouth. He was fine all day long. He is only a little over a year. What could be the problem. He is outdoors and indoors, comes and goes when he wants. So I don't know if he got into something. But if he did what would make him to do this.

Hi Dawn,

This can indicate mouth pain, which can be caused by a number of things, ranging from a viral illness to a traumatic injury or the ingestion of a toxic substance. Cats may eat toxic plants simply because they don't know any better, and they enjoy the texture, or they will lick caustic chemicals because they are curious. Broken teeth and dental disease are another cause of mouth pain. There may be other the causes of these symptoms, and you should have your kitty checked out by a vet if you haven't done so already.

Good luck!
