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Hi Becky, I've owned three neutered female cats for some time now.  I recently brought home a spaded male cat from the Humane Society but I had to return him because he was urininating all over the place.  Recently my "favorite" kitty has stopped using the liter box!  I use three liter boxes and thought that maybe the scent of the male cat was the problem.  I completely scowered the boxes to be absolutely clean.  But the one cat continues to poop outside the box about a foot or so away.  Is there anything I can do to stop this?

Hi Doug,

I think that your cat has started this problem because of the male cat not using the litter box like he should have.  You need to shampoo your carpet using a good product that gets rid of pet urine.  The thing is.... you can clean and clean, but the cats can still smell that urine, even if you can't.  Shampoo your carpets good, nice and slow, with the pet product, then.... when you are not home.. not able to supervise... put the cat that does not use the litter box in the bathroom with his own litter box.   This will force him to use it.  Eventually... he will use it on his own and you can leave him out.   This has worked many times,  and I think it will work for you.  
1.  Get rid of the urine odor.   2. re-train your cat to use the litter box.   Those are your solutions!!
By the way.... you can put another cat in there with him for company if you like,  just as long as the "offender" is put in a small enough space (such as the bathroom)  to encourage use of the litter box.

Good luck and God bless!!