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My 6th month old  kitten is gettin fix and declawed I know I am suppose to get a some kind of litter but I forget the name of it and how long I am suppose to use it


I am not sure what kind of litter you may have been guided to, but there are a number of products on the market made from paper, like "The World's Best Cat Litter" (or something similar).  I would say the neutering is not problem, but you may want to prevent the declawed cat from feeling more pain than will already be apparent from the declawing.  So, a softer litter with the least possibility of bothering the cat would be warranted.

In a pinch, you could call your vet's office and see what they recommend.

You would want to use this until you are sure the soreness in your 6 month old kitten's front paws is gone!

Best regards... Norm.