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Behavioral problem.


I love my siamese mix cat. She is very loving and has axcepted my fiancee. When I first moved her from my house to the home that my fiancee and i bought she was very uncomfurtable and I would find that she had peed in boxes or found my fiancee's cloths and peed on those.
we finally got her setteled but about 2 weeks ago she started the same routine when my step son moved in but it was only his room and his stuff. Now that I am pregnant I don't want her to do this with any of the babies items. How do I get her to curb her behavior and axccept this new baby?

Congrats on your engagement, your new home, and your baby!

All of these changes are certainly a lot for a cat to get used to.  The behavior you're seeing is a common response to this type of stress.  I'm glad her behavior resolves once she feels a bit more comfortable.

The best way to get a cat used to a new baby is to start leaving some baby things around the house.  Wipe your hands with baby wipes from time to time.  Use baby powder on your own skin, so she gets used to the scents.  Set up cribs and changing tables, etc., as soon as you can, so she can become acquainted with these things before the baby arrives.

When the baby does come home, it may cause her to have litter box problems again, so I would try to keep most of the baby's things behind closed doors, if possible.

Another item you can try is Feliway.  It's a synthetic pheromone that helps reduce stress and therefore reduce stress-induced behavioral problems, including urinating outside the box.  I would recommend the plug-in diffuser, called Comfort Zone for cats.  I use it myself.  It's available at pet stores and

You could talk to the vet about an antianxiety medication.  Siamese ARE prone to anxiety.  But medications are usually reserved for longterm behavioral problems.  If the behavior is self-limiting, waiting it out is probably the best option.