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has my cat had kittens


hi there i wound how to tell if my cat has had kittens outside or not she was big this mornoing and now she is skinny my man says she not  but i dont know he said its the dried food is there any way of telling or not

well normally i would have thought that by looking at her rear end you would be able to see some sort of discharge with perhaps some blood in it. It is also unlikely that your cat would have left her kittens so quickly on their own, unless they were all dead, again unlikely. Also it can take some cats quite some time to give birth with sometimes up to an hour between each kitten, so her returning so soon, doesn't really sound like she has had kittens.

It could simply be that she needed to go to the bathroom. My cat can look rather fat if she hasn't been for a few days and then return looking much thinner.

If you are still worried keep an eye on her over the next few days to see if her behavior has changed in any way. Either way there is not much you can do unless she is ill, nature will take it's course.

Don't worry