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Infections in Cats


We have 4 cats, 4 dogs, 1 goat and a number of fish.  Only 2 of the cats spend time outside, with the 2 smaller ones remaining inside.  1 of them has only been outside on 2 ocasions, as she is quite a small cat, and my favourite of all.  Because she is so small, and my favourite, I keep her inside all the time as I am worried the dogs may get her.  The cats fight and play together, sometimes just playfully and other times they get a bit carried away.  My favourite, aged about 11 months, has on 2 separate occasions, got infections on her face that have been quite nasty.  I took her to the vet the first time, and she was given some antibiotics, which worked and got rid of the horrible swelling in just over a week.  About a month or 2 passed, and it happened on her face again, but instead of taking her to the vet, I rang and asked if we could get a course of antibiotics for her, and they agreed.  They worked again, within a week, however, I am concerned that they will keep occurring.  Could this be caused from bacteria on the other cats claws infecting her when they play/fight, or could there be another reason?  Is there anything we can do to stop it from happening, as it looks quite ugly, as well as being incredibly uncomfortable for Tyga when it happens.  It is always on and around her nose, and swells up quite considerably.  Thanks.

i know that the swellings and injuries can look rather nasty but to be honest this is natural behavior and there is no way to stop them playing and fighting. The infections are probably caused by bacteria which cats have in their mouths. this is normal and my cat over the years has had her scrapes and bites etc. It's all about being a cat.
Taking her to the vets when you she gets an infection is the best thing for her.
Best wishes