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my cat spits when he is very excited


This is about one of our cats, a siamese named Simba. We got him as a kitten when he was old enough from the shelter. I still remember his first night here. Before bed, I put him in my recliner and wrapped a blanket around him for security and told him as he looked up at me to stay there. He DID all night long. The next AM first thing I did was pick him up and put him in the cat box to go potty. Which he did. He has always slept most of the night in my chair since. Every night when I get up to go to the bathroom, I walk past and look in my chair and he is always laying there looking up at me. I lean over and pat him for a few minutes and he still tries to grab my head and lick my hair. He also has a trait of constantly walking around me feet and meowing. If I ignore him or push him away, he spits. You can hear and see him. facial expression and all. but he is purring before and after.I know he is attached to me. I guess I am his person. We have 5 other cats, but he is the only one that acts this way. All of our cats are strictly indoor cats. I was just curious what you think his perception is of me?

It sounds like he loves you as much as you love him!
If he starts to walk around your feet and meow - give him
some toys to play with to distract him
I'd ignore him if he hisses at you cuz if you give him
attention after he does that, it will encourage the behavior (it will teach him that if he hisses, he will get attention) also don't give him a treat when he hisses that would encourage it too

maybe he feels threatened by the other cats.. I recommend
taking him in a room with door closed with just the two
of you and for 10 mins, 2-3 times a day use his toys to play
with him  don't just sit and watch him play you need to
interact with him when you do this (no other cats allowed)
and at the end of each play session, give him a treat