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Female Cat Urinating and Pooping on Coach


I have 4 cats - 3 females and 1 male.  This past two months or so, one of my cats has daily urinated and pooped on my coach in the basement (luckily it is leather and I have a cover on it).  I have taken all 4 of the cats to the vets - none have an urinary infection.  I have isolated them - one-by-one to try to figure out which one it is.  I'm almost positive it is my one female cat.  I'm going to double check by doing the same thing again. If indeed it is the one female cat - do you have any suggestions of experience with this sort of behavior.  The vet said it might be hormonal?  Don't want to send lots of $'s on something no one is sure of and plus I'm sure these sort of shots aren't healthy for a cat.  Any ideas?  Thanks


Is the female you suspect spayed?  How old is she? Do you have more than one litter pan?

If she is not spayed, this can be a result of being in season. especially if she has just reached puberty (anytime after 4 months of age). Spaying would definitely help.

You might consider another litter pan in a different area of the household.

You can also try a Feliway diffuser (available from most pet supermarkets) in the basement.

You also need to clean the cover on the couch with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available from most pet supermarkets or farm stores).

I am giving you a link to series of excellent article on litter box problems:

Best regards... Norm.