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cat growling and peeing


My cat was startled and growled,hissed and peed.She has never done this before yesterday.She is 3 and an inside cat.This morning she was fine.Then as we moved around she started to growl & hiss again & peed too.She was fine when we came home.Tonight,she was startled again when my son moved off the couch. The cat growled,hiss and peed again. We don't know what is wrong with her behavior and why she wets. Its upsetting to us to see her like this. We cannot moved around without fear of getting her upset. I called the vet this morning and they thought she was hurt, but she isn't.We will have to call the vet to have her checked and hopefully pick her up without her getting upset and biting.
Any suggestion is appreciated.The cat urine is not pleasant and we are doing our best to clean it up.She also layed in it when she was upset this evening.
Thank you for your help.


My best guess is that a strange cat came around in the neighborhood and she saw it and went into a flight/fight episode as a normal reaction the fright she experienced from this.

With cats, it can take a few days to get over this kind of experience.  Meanwhile, it does not take much to set her off.  What sometimes works is to put the cat in a quiet dark area, where she would feel safe until things settle down a bit.

Having her checked out by your vet as a precaution is a wise, wise move.  Your vet may also prescribe a mild sedative to get her to relax.

As for cleaning, you will need an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors, available from most pet supermarkets and farm stores.

Best regards... Norm.