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kittens leaving home


the kittens are 5 wks old and I know someone who wants one at eight weeks.The kitten uses the litter tray, eats solids and drinks water which is great. I am confused about the best age for them to leave.I always thought 8wks was ok but the more I read, should it be longer? Also I am concerned about mum, how will she cope when one goes and then another etc? she had a litter of six one died after 6days (cleft pall) and last night she seemed to be searching, has been like that a few times. other 5 fantastic. We will be keeping one of them.She is great mum to them.Want to do best thing for her. Also read if kittens kept longer then eight weeks they find it harder to cope with the separation. Help

the earliest a kitten can be rehomed is eight weeks as most the socialization period is over. However some breeders prefer to wait till 14 weeks. But really it is a personal decision and based on how the mother cat is.
As you are not a breeder and your cat has suffered a loss i would say that perhaps leave it till 10 weeks. It will give her time to be with her kittens but not too long so that she will too attached to them.

I'm sure everything will be ok with both your kittens and the queen.

Best wishes