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Leaving on vacation for 5 weeks


We adopted 2 adult cats 1 year ago last September. Our male calico Chester is very loving and purrs constantly. However we believe he was abandoned by his previous owners and has refused to go out since we got him. He seems content to stay inside all the time. We give him lots of love and attention.
Our other cat is a white female Persian mix that is deaf. She is a little younger, very curious and likes attention as well. She goes outside on a leash and a harness and enjoys it.

We have left them before for a 1 week vacation and a 2 week vacation without any problems. We paid a neighbor to keep an eye on them.

We are leaving soon on an extended vacation to China and decided to use a service that comes every day for 1 hour to take care of them. My sister and her kids will be at our home for the Holidays while we are away.

I believe Chester is better off staying at home while Snowball wouldn't mind the extra company if she could be with my sister.

My spouse believes it is not a good idea to separate them.

Any recommendations?

Thank You



I agree that Chester should stay in his home territory.  I also agree with your spouse that Snowball is also better off at home.  If Snowball has not seen her sister in some time, they wiil have to go through all thet "getting to know you" ritual that cats go through with all the requisite hissing and spitting and posturing that goes along with it.  Also, cats seem to pass time differently than we do and tend not to find long periods of time with nothing going on at all bothersome.

So with the service coming in an hour a day, they will do just fine until you get back.  As long as the service has someone responsible to talk to in case some problem comes up.

Have a great trip.

Best regards... Norm.