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More Help with The Aegean cat


Hello. I did a search for pics of the Aegean Cat on Google, and I found these links:

Does this count? Please let me know.

I'm going to contact FIFE to see if they have any information about this breed like you suggested. I wrote a letter to the Amercian Society of Cat Enthusiasts in NY- I'm waiting to hear from them. Do you know what Greek Catttery I should contact? Please let me know. Thanks.


Mr. Jason Goldman


These are pictures of the same cat.  There was a link I found on the Greek Cat Fancy, but the server no longer exists.  The pictures you have in your links are the same picture of the same cat.  From what little description I have been able to find, they could be Aegean Cats.  

All the searches I have done come up, primarily with street cats.  I have found one cattery in Greece via the Internet and they had drawings, not pictures of their cats.  They never used the term Aegean Cat in their write up and many of their links no longer work.

Sorry, but I am not getting anywhere on this one.

Good luck with your FIFe query.

Best regards... Norm.