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behavior issue


Recently I took in a stray kitten who appears to be six or eight months old. He is beautiful, friendly and until yesterday used the litter box. Then yesterday afternoon he defacated on the couch and then on the bed in the guest bedroom. He did the same thing on the bed in the same room this morning. The litter box is clean. I have another female cat who seldom uses the litter box because she likes to spend her time outside when the weather is good. What could be causing this? What can I do? Thank you very much. By the way, I've named him Boris.

Hello Les,

Is he neutered?  This is very important, because the next thing he will be doing is spraying.  That is a nasty smell and is very hard to get up,  just thought I'd mention that even though that is not your question.

You can re-train him to use the litter box.  When you are not home, put him in a small room such as a bathroom with his food, water and litter box.  If he is confined , he will use the box.   Keep all bedrooms closed while he is relearning.   When you are home, watch him closely and if he looks like he is going to defecate, rush him to the litter box and praise him when he does well!   I think in a short period of time that Boris will be a good boy again!

God Bless,