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Im not sure if you can help me or not, but i just found out that my 7 week old kitten has FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus). He got it from his mom and so did his siblings. However my vet told me that since my kitten wont be with his mom anymore that the virus could eventually change to negative in about 4 weeks. He told me to have him retested in 4 weeks to see if his blood changed to negative. I would just like to see if anyone had experience with this and if there really is a chance that the virus can fade away. Thanks

Hello Tricia,

I have never heard of anything like this but I am not a vet, I would ask your question in the ask the vet category.  I am not sure but what it sounds like though is that the test looks for antibodies, and if they are present comes back positive, this means the kitten has been exposed and what you are waiting to find out is if the kitten was able to fight the virus off on it's own or not.  This is just my take on it, but again I have no experience with this nor am I a vet.

I do hope all works out for you.
