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Its me Adrita again, with the 5 new kittens!


How are you? Its me again!Well I dont know if you remember me or not, I asked you about one of my newborn kitten's eye problem. Well it went away and they are all healthy now and they play a lot! I came across a new problem though. The first 2 kittens use the kitty litter all the time, but the next 3 dont want to use the same kitty litter AT ALL! Even if I spot them about to use the toilet somewhere else in the house and I quickly put them on the kitty litter, they just get off and do it somewhere else! What should I do? Why dont they want to use the same kitty litter? Should I get another separate one for them? It is getting tiring cleaning up after them..... Help!


I am so glad the kittens are doing so well!!!!!

With 5 kittens you will need more than one litter pan.  I would use 3 located in different places.  If that does not work, you can confine them to a smaller area where they have no choice!!!!!  You also want to make sure you scoop the kitty litter often (at least once a day) as cats really do not like overly dirty kitty litter.

Best regards... Norm.