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8 month old


I have an 8 month old kitten and she is pregnant. I was wandering if you think if she could die from being pregnant and so little.

She definitely needs to be under the care of a vet.  Typically, death isn't a threat in a young cat who's pregnant, as long as she's otherwise healthy.  But pregnancy and delivery must be watched over carefully.  If the vet finds she is too small to carry a litter safely, then a spay, which will result in the abortion of the pregnancy, may be what's best for all.

Be sure to feed her a high-quality kitten food, all she wants to eat, until she's finished weaning the kittens.  You can also feed her supplements of protein in the form of tuna, beef or chicken breast.  This will help prevent malnourishment.  Also, you can feed the kittens kitten formula, available at pet stores, in addition to their breast feeding, to help lighten the load on mama's body.