Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN



im desperatly looking for help. Last night my kitten (7-8
wks) was sleeping in bed with myself and my other, normally
we dont let him in the room at night because hes so small
we dont want to take any chances. well my boyfriend got up
in the middle of the night and he must have slipped in the

I woke up this morning and found pete (my kitten) behind
one of the pillows in the bed, he was limp and at first i
thought ihad lost him. He must have gotten smothered under
the pillows during the night.

As soon as i realized it was him, i immediatly did all i
could to give him oxygen. His tail began to move, and soon
after his feet and paws did the same.

The majority of his body is still limp, his head mostly. He
is breathing fine now, and begining to meow and make noise.
which i took as a good sign.

He has not opened his eyes yet, when i touch his skull the
top feels---- (for lack of better word) inflated. like
there is some sort of fluid between his skull and fur.

i have no money to take him to a vet (litteraelly nothing,
i used dimes to buy canned cat food)

i know you cannot give out medical advice- i dont need to
know whats wrong with him, all i need to know is if you
have any suggestions on how i can make him better, or
atleast the most comfortable he can be.

Please help me, any sort of advice would be really great
even if its just 'keep him warm'


thank you so very much

All I know is that your kitten needs urgent medical care if they are to have any chance of survival.

i absolutely understand that you have no money for vets bills but i know from living in the Uk that there are places that provide urgent medical assistance when an animal is in urgent need.

I therefore looked up on the net the humane society for the USA this page will provide information for what you can do (read down the page)

yes keep him comfortable and supported but do not move him too much. But most of all try to find some way of getting him to someone who has medical experience A soon as possible.

God bless and I wish you all the best
