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HELP ME!! My cat was a stray when I found her about a year ago, we never dewormed her or gave her any shots. She recently had a litter of kittens so we brought her and the kittens in the house. She started throwing up alot here lately and the other day I noticed something squirming in her throw up, it was worms! Can me or my husband catch these worms? What do I need to do to clean the house of the parasites? I plan on getting her a dewormer immediatly, and putting her outside as soon as the kittens are old enough.  

You need to get her to the vet immediately; there are many types of worms that an animal can get, and your vet needs to consult with you about the type that your cat has.  Place some of the sick in a ziploc baggie (make sure you wear gloves and wash your hands VERY well afterward) and make sure you take her to the vet.

**Follow Up.

The reason why I didn't answer the other questions that were in your question, is because I don't know the kind of worm or parasite that your kitten has.  If I don't know what kind it is, I can't answer the question.  This is only something that your vet can answer.  As for getting rid of them in the house, talk to your vet about that.  And for putting her outside as soon as the kittens are old enough, are you planning on getting her spayed?  If not you should... it's more than likely that she picked up this parasite from being outside if she is an outdoor cat, and  for her health and yours you should keep her indoors.

Good luck!