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HELP!! My cat has gone crazy...


She attacked my 2 month old boxer. i have never seen her behave in the manner, she has been around her before and has hissed at her before, but this weekend she seriously attacked her and my pup went behind me to seek protection and my 1 year old calico cat kept coming at me, i was terrified & i seriously feel that she would of seriously attacked me to get to my pup. I'm thiking about putting her down, but I want to seek advice before I make my decision.  

Hi Dina,

There sounds like there are some serious interaction problems there. I think the puppy is most likely being to frisky for her and she finally reached the end of her straw. She sounds like she is intent on teaching the pup manners. Keep them separate for a while. I don't think you will have many more problems if the pup is cowering around the cat. I think that is what your cat wanted. Write back and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen