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my cat is poorly


Hello, I am worried for my cat, as he is trying to vomit but cannot and continuously coughing for all of today, however when he falls asleep he seems to stop. The vets are not open, otherwise i would have taken him there. He seems to wheeze a little as well and is definitely not himself. Is there anything i can do to soothe the pain and maybe stop some of the belching and coughing?? Thank you ever so much!!!

Hello Yasmine,

Dry heaving could indicate many things, some that are normal and some that are not so normal. The most common cause for a dry heave in a cat with no vomit is a hairball If your cat cleans himself a lot (or if you own other furry animals and he cleans them), this is a likely source of a hairball cough, especially if he sheds frequently. All three of the cats currently in my house are short-medium length hair, clean themselves regularly, and cough or dry heave frequently, due to hairballs.

Due to the frequency of the coughing throughout the day, I recommend getting him into the vet as soon as possible. Because they are not open and I'm not able to identify the cause of the dry heave, you could try lightly massaging his neck and petting him softly to calm him down, and give him one teaspoon of mineral oil. The mineral oil will help stop the gagging sensation and may help him pass the hairball (one way or the other).

The other possible cause that is common enough for me to suggest is a possible cardiovascular condition or respiratory illness. If it is a cardiovascular condition, such as a heart murmur, your veterinarian will be able to tell by checking his heartbeat. There are ways to treat this condition. There are also ways to treat respiratory infections - your veterinarian will be able to handle that.

For now, just try the gentle massaging and mineral oil. Good luck, I hope your cat's dry heaves go away soon.