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Last night my cat, about 8 yrs old had a stroke.  According to the vet,  this is not like a stroke in a human. She had a steroid shot and a small bolus of LR into her tissue.  I will give her Predisone for a few days. Today, she still can't walk and her eyes still flutter at times.  She still purrs for me and ate a little dry food from my hand.  She does not use a litter box but I've held her over twice and she has urinated. I won't ask for medical advice, but can you tell me what you might have seen in the rehab of a cat with this condition? She's completely helpless.  The vet said she could start getting better in 72 hrs. It's braking my heart and I wouldnt want her to live like this. Her breathing seems to be normal. I don't feel like I can leave her alone. So, I would like the truth about what you might have observed in this situation.  Thank you Patti.

Hi Helen,

I'm sorry you're having to go through this, I know it does break your heart to watch your little one in trouble.  At 8 years old, though, she's still young enough to fight this and I think you should do what you can to help her.  I believe our animals tell us when they're done fighting, they get a look in their eyes that says "I don't want to do this anymore" and I won't stop fighting for them until I see that.  Friends and co-workers couldn't believe I didn't put "Babette" to sleep when she inhaled a foreign object into her lung and could hardly breath.  But she always had fight in her eyes and I wouldn't give up and today those same people can't believe its the same cat!  If your kitty is purring and eating I think she still has fight left in her.  Keep doing what the vet has told you to do and make sure she continues to eat and drink, she's going to need all her strength to get better, but I think she has a fighting chance if you're willing to do your part!  Please write me back and tell me how she's doing.