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I have a cat that just had a litter of kittens about a week ago.The kittens for the most part look to be healthy but the mother cat is very poor.She doesn't seen too have much milk and is very skinny.She is eating ok and drinking ok.Just worried that she might not have enough milk or that she will get sick.What can I feed her to make her produce more milk I guess is my question.Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

You should switch her to a kitten food to help her replace nutrients she's losing through nursing.  However, if she's not producing enough milk or is doing poorly herself, she definitely needs to see a vet.  An injection of Pitocin may be needed to help stimulate her to produce milk.  Or it may be determined she's not healthy enough to nurse her litter for one reason or another, and she will need to be treated for the condition diagnosed by the vet.  The kittens would probably need to go to a foster mother, or you'd need to supplement them with kitten formula by bottle feeding them.