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Cat-Fun Tail Wag and Banger


COMMENT @ Abnormal Cats and a Question (below)...I have a wonderful male neutered tabby-white cat. He loves to wag and bang his tail like a dog....and doesn't claw or bite folks. You would have to really ruffle him up, and make him angry on purpose, to get even a playful (or pretend) bite or clawing! He is VERY ENGAGING, LOOKS STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES ALL the TIME...he murrr talks and loves to play hide-and-seek. He follows me around like a toddler getting into things and wanting UP for HUGS...he likes me to talk to him and to ride around in my arms & on shoulders. He actually WANTS to go for CAR RIDES...he OPENS DOORS and he knows lots of words...hug, kiss, play, milk/dinner, daddy-mommy, car-ride, up-down, good, in-out, go for walk, go to bed, okay, trouble....and so on...QUESTION: Like a dog, he asks to go outside, as we have NO litter box or cat door (he is a indoor/outdoor cat)...I have brick running beneath a few can I train him to not scratch my window screens when he wants back in? I showed him where to pat the windows (non-screen portion)...this worked for a while...should I just keep showing him what to do? I know seeing him at the window, ASAP, does help....Is there a way to teach him to ring a bell, or is there something else to do?


There is a technique called clicker training you may be able to use.  Go to Karen Pryor's web site:

and read about it.  This is probably your best hopes for training cats to carry out complex behaviors.

Best regards... Norm.