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I have no clue what I am doing

20 16:44:47

I have wanted a cat forever and my parents have just said no. Well now all of a sudden I can get one and I have no clue what I am doing. I want to get a Birman and I need to know how to groom them and the cheapest I can get one and what I need. Basic cat care would help too. I have ever had a cat before.

Hi, Melissa --
I don't usually do this but if you are located anywhere in the northeast U.S., why don't you email me directly at I want to find out more about you and your environment, what type/color Birman you are looking for, etc. I may very well be able to help you find one.

If you are in the south or west of the Missisippli or outside the US, your best bet would be to check the breeder referral site at It lists breeders by breed and country/state. You can also call the Cat Fanciers' Association  at 732-597-2828 to get names of breeders in your area. They are on the east coast and open from 9 to 4 eastern time. You should contact several different breeders and ask what the price range is. Adults will be cheaper than kittens and if you are willing to take a young adult 1-2 years old you can probably get a bargain.

Looking forward to hearing from you by email -- or hope that this other information is of use.

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