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Cat bed wetting


Question 6 month old kitten has recently decided to wet my daughters bed and my couch. (which had a bed blanket on it at the time) It started out of nowhere and I do not know what to do. We keep the bedroom doors closed now but today I noticed my daugters bed was urinated on again. (the door must have accidentally been left open) She has been spay and declawed. (at 12wks) Do you have any advice you could give me?

Urinating on the rug, floor, or your bed is inappropriate elimination. The first thing to rule out is any type of urinary or bladder infection which may have formed due to crystals in the cat's urine. This is a very common reason cats urinate in strange places. Straining and making strange/painful sounds while urinating is common to this problem and you should see a vet.

Once you have ruled out medical problems, urinating in strange places is also often due to litterbox problems. Cats like a really clean box with litter scooped daily and changed completely once a week. They like private quiet areas for their litter boxes. Some cats have certain preferences when it comes to the type of litter. Have you changed the brand of litter lately, have you moved the location of the litterbox, has another pet recently been introduced? Changes can prompt temporary bad behavior.

Also very importantly, you must clean up whereever this has happened really well. i think you suspect that the bed blanket moved to the couch may have caused the couch accident and that is probably right. Just washing the blanket would not have completely eliminated the scent and cats will go back to where the scent is. If you can throw out the things she has peed on that is good but as for your couch and bed, that is not oing to work, You need a very good enzyme based or similar cleaner that is made specificaly to take out pets stains and odors. particularly the odors. Also you may want to keep her off the bed and couch for a while with an indoor repellant spray or a scat mat - you put these on furniture and the pets won't go on. you can get these things online and Petsmart and other pet speciality stores.