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My cat pees on my husbands side of the bed


Hi Tina,
Ozzy is a 6yrs... She just got over a uti I gave her pills for 30 days she took them all. She was doing great.until yesterday she peed on my husband's short that where left on his side of the bed.This is the 4th time. My husband wants me to get rid of her or put her down. I just can't do that!Our new house will be finished in Sept. He does not want her in the new house. What can I do! Any suggestions Please help me Oh I do clean her litter box twice a day or everyday.i'm just sick to my stomach.

Tina Spezzano


Hi Tina,

I am so sorry your kitty is sick. I went through this with my cat years ago, before I learned about the nutritional aspects of urinary tract problems. My cat has been symptom-free for 9 years now (he's now 14).

Please assure your husband your cat is doing this because she is ill, she can't help it (and tell him if he's ever sick and you have to take care of him you'll get rid of him! haha).

There are several things you can do:

Take Ozzie back to the vet for another urinalysis - she may still have a bladder infection, sometimes more than one antibiotic is needed. However often urinary tract problems are due to inflammation more than bacteria.

Do not use the Hill's "prescription" diets, they are artificially acidified but based on grains rather than meat and therefore can increase urinary tract inflammation in the long run. Studies have shown that a diet high in MEAT protein and WATER will create a balanced urine pH and concentration, which prevents and eliminates urinary tract problems. To accomplish this, you need to feed a high quality canned food (or better stil, a raw meat diet) and encourage inreased water drinking.

1. The most important is to immediately change her diet to canned food only - NO dry food at all. Dry food creates a more alkaline urine because of the higher plant protein content and it is dehydrating, which encourages crystals and inflammation in the bladder and urethra. A raw meat diet is best, but if you are not interested in trying a raw diet a high protein canned food is next best.

Here is more information:

Brands of canned food I recommend are Nature's Variety, Wellness and Natural Balance (Ultra - no fish flavours, they can aggravate urinary tract problems)

2. Provide plenty of clean fresh drinking water bottled or filtered. Cats are sensitive to the smell and taste of chlorine and contaminants and will drink minimally if their water is not pure. You may have noticed cats and dogs prefer a muddy but chemical-free water puddle in the yard to a bowl of fresh tap water! Cat drinking water fuontains can also encourage cats to drink more, they like the moving water and the aeration.

3. Firther suggestions are in my article here: