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Please help me with this.


There is this stray cat that sleeps in our next doors garden. I named him George. I have one cat called Jess and she is, like most cats, very territorial. George is not looked after properly, so I feed him sometimes and pet him. Now, he is in our garden. I don't mind. I want to keep him. I know he needs to go to the vet. I am 11 years old and I have wanted to be a vet since I was 3 years old after my cat was saved.
Do you know any way to train a cat to like a cat. Jess was fine with George this morning, but as Jess always attacks George, she sniffed him and he hissed, thinking she would attack. I want to keep George to look after him and show him that not all humans are bad. Also, I think he is a great cat! If you know anyway I can get Jess to like George and George to like Jess, please tell me as soon as possible. Thank you, Shannon.

Hi Shannon
the simple answer is no there is no way that you can make a cat like another cat. It is in their nature to be weary to other cats and what generally happens is that their will a few spats where one cat will come out as top cat and after that the cats will know there place etc and they will learn to tolerate each other.

This is natural and you cannot do anything to help, especially as the cats are outside where they will come across each other on a daily basis.

Don't worry, things will sort themselves out, your job is to make sure that both cats know that you care about them, but let them sort out there own at differences.

best wishes