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rescue cat seems to have to much milk


I have a rescue cat with two kittens aprox 4 weeks old
the problem is one of her breast is extremely large you can feel as if she had a bag of liquid underneath her skin yet she do not seem to want to feed the kittens and when they finally latch on they soon become restless and stop. As i am currently fostering other moms to whom do not show up similar behavior i am a bit concerned. can cats have what humans have to much milk and the breast becomes hard and the milk wont come out?  

Hi Maria, it is not that the cat has TOO much milk but that she has a blockage of some kind. It is also possible that she may have mastitis. Does the breast feel warm or sensitive? Does the mom have diarrhea?? How are the kittens doing?? If she is a rescue cat and has not had the best care before she came into you home it is very likely she may be run down and has developed mastitis. It is also possible to have a blockage in a gland but aside from being hard, the cats usually still continue to feed their kittens.. so I would be concerned about her and start by taking her temperature, soaking the breast in warm water.. and then go from that point. If she has no temperature and no heat on the breast or sensitivity then keep soaking the breast in warm water and gently massage them and see if you can relieve the pressure and get things moving for her. If she does have a temperature or tenderness then I would get the kittens onto another mom and get this mom to the vet. I am sure you can imagine how uncomfortable she must be ! Let me know how it progresses... Teresa