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offensive cat odor



Thank you kindly for your response.  I would be interested in know how to go about getting the air purifier you refer to in your response.  Please advise.

Thanks again,

Followup To
Question -
I have recently adopted two kittens and the smell in my house is unbelievable offiensive.  I have the litter box upstairs but it seems to make no difference.  How can I eliminate the smell of feces in my house?
Answer -

How often do you scoop the litter pan?

How often do you change the litter?

Are the stools well formed or are they loose?

What kind of litter are you using?

Do you have an ionization/ozone based air purifier?

Most offensive odors in litter pans are due to a variety of reasons. Hence the questions I have asked above.  

Most people need to scoop at least once a day.  Litter pans should be emptied and refilled a couple of times a week.  Kittens adjusting their new digs, new water, and new food will often have looser, smellier stools.  If this persists, there may be another problem and a trip to the vet is warranted.  Clay litter is often not very good at odor control.  Many people are now using wood pellets or silica gel based litter.

Finally, we also use an Ecoquest Fresh Air air purifier in our cattery (about 10-12 cats) and virtually no odor!!!!!

Please let me know if you are interetsed in one and I can tell you how to get one.

Best regards... Norm.  


I can get you one of two units.  A smaller one (EcoQuest Breeze AT) for $545.00 and a more powerful one (EcoQuest Fresh Air II) for $700.00.  Neither unit is very large (about the size of two shoe boxes).

I use the more powerful unit in out cattery and it kills virtually all the odors and keeps the air purified.  

Give me your snail mail address and I will send you some information and a DVD on these units.

Best regards... Norm.