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nursing mother cat


A woman I know has a mother cat with 3 kittens in her basement. She told me that they haven't seen the kittens in 2 days, and searched with flashlights. I noticed this morning when I visited that the mother cat's teats look small and normal, not as though she has been nursing! I am worried that she either moved the kittens and forgot to feed them, or that she is hungry and doesn't have enought milk for them -- she was looking/asking for more wet food; did not care for the dry food, and I could feel her bones near her tail. Am worried the kittens are dying or dead. advice?


How long ago did she have the kittens?

If she has not nursed for a couple of weeks, it is possible her milk is all dried up.  If the kittens are old enough, she may have weaned them and taken them outside.  It is hard to know without a bit more information.

Best regards... Norm