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Stomach noises


QUESTION: Hello, I have two kittens about 6 months old.  The one I have adopted from a pet rescue and she has had problems with her digestive tract.  I noticed today when she is sitting with me that her stomach is making loud noises almost continuously.  I know she has food and water available because that is the first thing I went to check.  I also know that she has been eating and drinking normally because I was here all day with her.  My only guess about the noises is that she isn't feeling well, she did cough up a hairball.  She is a sickly one and the vet has diagnosed her with a type of cat herpes and she is on L-Lysine.  I do not think this is a question for the vet because she is seemingly acting normal.  I am just wondering if the noises are usually associated with an upset stomach.  Sorry this is so long, but I worry about her because of her health issues.

ANSWER: Hi Crystal,

The loud noises certainly would indicate that she's got something going on with her digestive system, probably some gas moving around.  Does it seem to have stopped or quieted down since she coughed up the hair ball?  I had a cat who always started looking like she felt horrible for about a week before coughing up one and then she would be fine again after getting it out.  You might try giving her some Petromalt or other hair ball remedy to keep things moving through her system.  I've even used a little Vaseline(!) to help keep things moving.  They love the taste of it and if you just give a little on the tip of your finger each night as a treat it helps cut down on the hair balls.  Did the vet test her for intestinal parasites (worms)?  Worms in the intestine can cause excess gas and bloating.  You're vet should be able to do a test of the kitten's feces (you'll have to give him/her a really fresh sample) and give you medicine if that's the case.  The herpes that your cat has wouldn't have anything to do with the intestines, its more of an upper respiratory problem, eyes, nose, that sort of thing.  I give my herpes cats L-lysine, too.
Its really nice to hear from someone who is obviously so concerned for their cat's welfare.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the quick answer.  Well, the hairball was something that she has not done before, so I did think it was that.  She has been tested numerous times for parasites because she was infected with Giardia when we first got her and it took two regimens of antibiotic for her to get rid of it, and she has had an upper respiratory infection since we have gotten her, like I said, she is our problem child.  Her most recent test was done about 3 weeks ago and it was the 2nd or 3rd negative, I can not remember because we visit the vet so much.  I am going to watch for the hairballs, and if it happens again I will definately start her on some kind of remedy.  I hate to have to keep giving her things because she has been through so much since we have gotten her.  I made her a plate of canned food last night and she ate it up, so I am not sure if she is trying to hold out for it or what.  She only gets canned food in the morning and she has dry food available all day.  I was hoping that it would take care of the stomach noises, and I haven't heard any this morning.  Thanks again for the answer.

Hi Crystal,

I'm glad she's looking (sounding?) better this morning.  She may just have a sensitive stomach, maybe a little irritable bowel.  You might try giving her dry food made for sensitive stomachs, just change her slowly as a quick switch might make things worse.  Like you said, she's just your problem child, but that just makes her all that more special.