Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > Kiten not eating/ just drinking

Kiten not eating/ just drinking


QUESTION: The kitten stray we have adopted just stopped eating! After her mother had her last litter at first she was trying to nurse too. but now she just sits in a little ball and mopes!  She will nibble a little and drink water but that is it.  Do we need to change the food we are giving to her?  WE are currently feeding them special kitty brand.
ANSWER: Hi Nikeitha,

How old is the kitten? And how long have you had her? Is the food you are giving her wet or dry? Get back to me and I will see how I can help you.

Ciao, Karen

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The Kitten is probaly about a year old.  When we moved in last May she was still nursing from her mother.  We are giving her a little wet and a little dry mixed together

Hi Nikeitha,

I would get her to the vet. Special Kitty wet food was on the recall list of tainted cat foods. What you are describing to me sounds like what happens to cats when they eat the tainted food. Have a vet check her out. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen