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I have a female cat that is not fixed. She has always been an inside cat. She never gets outside while she is in heat. But today she managed to get outside, while in heat. It took me forever to get her back inside because she kept running from me. Once inside she kept growling, hissing, and slapping at me. What would cause this?

Hi Summer,

Quite simply, you need to get your cat spayed.  She is angry with you because you are not letting her go outside when the only thing her mind is her need to find a male cat to mate with.  If left unspayed, she will continue to try to escape, will continue to become aggressive when you try to catch her, and will almost certainly become pregnant.  By having her spayed, you can save yourself the worry of her escaping and the huge potential to add to the huge number of unwanted kittens born every year.  

Best of luck with this.
Take care