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Queen who lost her kittens


Hi Karen,

Please say that you can help me.  I am a new "grandma".  My queen gave birth on the 1st, however today (the 4th) my fiancee came home to a disturbing site.  The babies are dead.  Is there any special care or anything that we should be doing for the mommy?  Will she need milked or will she be ok on her own?  She was a new mother (1st litter), but the best mom I have seen to date.  Please, anything you can tell me will probably help!

Thank you,
Mourning Grandma Danielle in PA.

Hi Danielle,

I'm sorry for your loss. It's rough when the little ones die. The mom's milk will dry up by itself and she will suffer no ill effects from her litter dying. Do you know what caused it? She will most likely go into heat again within a couple of weeks after her milk dries. If you are letting her have a litter again take comfort in that the second litter is always stronger than the first. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen