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Declawing an Adult cat


I have a 15 year old very active cat that whenever she doesn't get her way, she takes it out on our new leather couches with her sharp claws.  I was told that she is too old to be de-clawed now that it would be to painful for her, which would hurt me more!  Is there any suggestions to end this bad behavior?  Thanks!

Hi Elsa,

Let me first get this out there- declawing is the phisiologic equivalent to cutting ones finger tips off, and renders the cat defenseless should it get outside, and also  causes unnecessary physical and mental pain.  It is also known to increase the biting tendency.   Awarness of the problem of declawing is spreading and it is now illegal in the United Kingdom and parts of the USA as well.

That said- to answer your question, no declawing is not an option here.  Cutting your cat's nails every 2 weeks should keep your couch safe.  please let me know if you know how to cut a cat's nails, and if not I will be happy to explain.

Good Luck
