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Feral cat gave birth in my basement


Hi Karen - I will try to give you the short story.  I take care of 5 feral cats.  The momma and her 4 babies who are now close to 2 years old.  When the weather is cold or rainy or snowy, they have a home in my cellar.  Half is finished and half isn't.  There is also this other feral cat who looks just like the momma who I've fed on and off for about a year.  A few months back she started coming in the basement every night with the other cats.  The mamma cat usually doesn't stay in the basement unless it is horrible outside because I also have a screened in porch that she prefers.  This particular feral cat isn't friendly.  The four other cats from the mamma all will come with me and I can hold them, etc.  Three much more affectionate, however, I'm the only human they will come near as long as they are not startled.  Anyway, this 5th cat that I mentioned is not very socialable at all, not even with the other cats.  If you go near it, anyone or any cat, she vocalizes about it.  Well yesterday, she decided to give birth in my basement in an empty window fan box (of all things).  Now what?  It is in a place that I can't reach unless I moved a lot of stuff (it's under the cellar stairs) and I've kept all the other cats outside to give her some breathing space.  I noticed yesterday morning when it was time to let all the cats out that she didn't show up (from the basement).  I looked everywhere and couldn't find her.  When I got home last night, I had one of the female cats (by the way, the 4 cats and the mama cat I had all spayed/neutered) in the basement getting ready to feed her and "Honey" which is the unfriendly feral, jumped out to eat.  She ate like there was no tomorrow and I noticed that her bulging sides were gone.  Of course, the other cat was sniffing around her tail and we could hear little scratching sounds coming from under the stairs.  I put the other cat outside to leave the new mother cat in piece.  I haven't even SEEN the kitten/s -- I have no idea how many.  I did hear one crying last night.  Maybe something or some cat/kitten was on top of her.  This is one of those very narrow fan boxes.  It is so yucky under the stairs.  I have so many beds and couches on the other side and it is a better place for the new mom to take her cats but, I couldn't get near her before she gave birth.  She growls if I go near that area.  Do her kittens stand a chance?  And how are they going to the bathroom and what happened to all the afterbirth.  The mom looks clean as a whistle.  HELP??!!  Debbi "the cat lady" ugh!

Hi Debi,

You're doing a great job with your feral kitties. The mom had her kittens in that area because it is the safest area that she could find. If you can't get to the kittens then predators can't get to them. The mom takes care of the kittens waste and she took care of her afterbirth. The kittens stand a good chance as long as the mom is in good health and is taking care of them. Feed the mom kitten food if you can. This helps her with her extra nutritional needs for nursing them. If you can move them to a better area that she can't move them from then go ahead. But be aware that if she feels threatened in the new area she will try to move them. You can try to socialize with the little ones at about 2 weeks old. I would wear gloves at first, just in case. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen