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Undiagnosed cat in hospital


Dear Becky,

Our 5 year cat recently fell seriously ill and is now admitted to the hospital. His condition gradualy got worse over a period of 4-5 days, starting with no apetite, vomiting, and constantly being asleep. Later, he developed a high fever and started losing fur. He got diarrhoea and there were traces of mucus in it.

The vet did a blood and urine analysis, and gave our cat antibiotics and put him on IV. Tests showed that he had high blood sugar, high creatinine concentration, proteinuria, and hematuria.  
However, they have not diagnosed him with anything and his condition has not improved.

Do you perhaps have any suggestions for further tests?
Have you encontered these combined symptoms in your line of work? (I know that you stated that you are not a veterinary, but I hope you're not offended with me for asking you this anyway...)

Thank you for taking the time to answer, I'm grateful for all the help!


HI Lena,
Your Vet has not told you what is wrong with your cat after all those tests?  I think I would get a second opinion if I were you.  The high blood sugar makes me wonder if he is diabetic.  I'm not much help here, I know, but I think I would ask for his records and get a second opinion.  Your cat's life may depend on it.  I am not very impressed with a Vet that runs all those tests and cannot give you any answers.  I wish the best to you and your kitty.
God Bless,